Oliver Cai
About Me
I'm a fourth-year undergraduate at the University of Chicago studying computer science and mathematics. I work part time at the University of Chicago Data Science Institute and most recently interned at Coinbase as a software engineer intern. I love working with software in many different contexts, and I'm particularly interested in distributed systems, crypto(currency and graphy), frontend framework squabble, Sam Altman, and Suits. Best way to reach me is via email at oooooooooooooooooooliver@gmail.com
Personal Projects
IGBFF (Instagram Best Friend Forever)
A specialized photography application meant for social media influencers. Working on this application gave me my first taste of what it was like to publish an application to the App Store. The current version includes a dashboard to cache image taken with the application, and the main camera interface. The defining feature is the special translucent component that sits on top of the camera, which took me ages to figure out since its movement is supposed to be contained within a certain space while also being really flexible.
Transaction Playground
A website that I made to test the Coinbase transaction preview service on the mobile simulator. It provides an intuitive UI for inputting and submitting smart contract data. It also has a page that demonstrates the dangers of phishing and how a transaction preview feature for any wallet may help to mitigate such scenarios. Additionally, There are pages for ERC20 tokens, multicall and permit2 that aren't currently deployed. Since the official Coinbase wallet extension package requires an HTTPS connection, this was my first time figuring out nginx configuration and how to generate a ssl certificate with certbot.
DTITR in Pytorch
A very last minute Pytorch rewrite of DTITR, a transformer based model that attempts to predict drug target binding affinity for a deep learning class. Previously written entirely in Tensorflow, our group decided to try and migrate it to Pytorch in order to integrate various external Pytorch modules.